SF Men Knit on the Today Show!
SF Men Knit had the pleasure of being interviewed by NBC’s Joe Fryer and featured on a segment about Brotherhood which aired on the Today...

Removing Stigma Around Men Who Knit: SF Men Knit Featured by Brut America
A wise person once said, "If you want a creative tribe, you have to go out and make yourself one!" This sentiment rings true for SF Men...

Immigrant Yarn Project
​ ​SF Men Knit was invited by Cindy Weil to participate in the Immigrant Yarn Project. What is the Immigrant Yarn Project? The...

Huib Petersen's "Accidental Street Zoo" Featured in Huffington Post
Our very talented member, Huib Petersen, is literally changing the landscape of his block by creating a movement in his neighborhood in...

SF Men Knit Pride Blanket Project
​​The rainbow flag is an iconic symbol of the LGBTQ Community. In the spirit of the importance of this symbol, this Pride Blanket...