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Removing Stigma Around Men Who Knit: SF Men Knit Featured by Brut America

A wise person once said, "If you want a creative tribe, you have to go out and make yourself one!" This sentiment rings true for SF Men Knit founder Lakegan Harris. We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Brut America to create this cool video about our group and why it came into existence. We've all seen women knitting in public places. But today, knitting isn't just for women. There are men who love to knit, too! Listen to the stories from the guys of SF Men Knit and how many of us came into knitting, crafting in public, and removing stigma around me who knit. A BIG Thank You to Brut America for reaching out to us and helping us spread our message in this video- CRAFT, CARE, COMMUNITY!

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